More than 2.6 billion people logging on to facebook each & every month! Don't miss out on tapping this larger market of "itchy to buy" prospects.
Dear Business Builder!
If you want to generate more new customers, clients, and sales that you can possibly handle then facebook ads are the best way to pump sales like a muscle with steroids .......At large scale.
Then, this will be the most exciting message you'll ever read.
Here's why:
Over the last 24 months, our team has spent over $1.5 million dollars on facebook ads............
Here's the proof
And, we have done this with over 100+ niches and industries
Using that $1.5 million dollars to help generate our clients $10 million in sales.
All with ads.
Because look, when you spent that kinda of money on ads, across many different industries……you learn a lot
About exactly, what works and what doesn’t
Not theoretically what works
From some youtube videos and courses
Or, from some gurus with a bunch of theories pretending to be an “expert”
I’m talking about n.O.B.S. Battle-tested strategies from the frontline of turning advertisements into profit.
Facebook ads = profit
v drops through the floor………
Your one winning campaign will turn into a piece of shit
And, your credit card bill keep going high everyday
While you’re thinking how’s is this possible ?
Because the YouTube gurus tells you to “scale your spend”
But, now you’re second guessing the
Now you hired a new business coach……
You found em on your cold DMs or through LinkedIn connections.
They are totally legit.
And, even they can’t seem to make sense of all this
So they tell you to invest in new website, create a new YouTube channel, post daily on social media and keep spamming people on their dms
This all makes you wanna tear your hair out and throw your laptop out of the window.
So, that’s all means

As Featured In

Frequently Asked Questions
Here, your burning question about Google Ads get answered!
01. How much does Facebook advertising works?
Unlike Google which is based around the Cost Per Click (CPC), Facebook ads are charged on the Cost Per 1,000 Impressions (known as CPM).
CPMs are dictated by Facebook based on a number of different factors. These include the amount of competitors in your advertising space, the size of your audience, and the type of ad copy and creatives being used..
The best way to explain how much Facebook costs is by breaking down an example:
Let's say Facebook sets the CPM on your campaign at $30. That means, for every 1,000 impressions, it will cost you $30.
If our click through rate is 1%, this means we'll have 10 clicks for every 1,000 impressions at a cost per click of $2-3 ($30 spent/10 clicks = $2-3CPC).
If the conversion rate on our landing page is 10%, for every 10 clicks, we'll get 1 lead at a cost per lead of $30 ($30 spent, 10 clicks, 1 lead = $30 CPL).
Now, using this same example, let's say your monthly ad spend was $10,000 and our average CPL was $30. This means you'll get a total of 334 leads per month. What could that mean for your business?
02. What makes a good Facebook ads?
There's a number of elements that make a good Facebook ad.
These include:
Direct Response Copywriting - The process of writing direct sales copy to elicit a response from the reader.
Creatives - The ability to make thumb-stopping creatives that capture the attention of the audience.
Campaign Build - The process of building a strategic funnel within Facebook's platform.
Audience Targeting - The ability to identify markets and audiences that will lead to strong performance.
Offer - The ability to create value in a way that gives the reader no option but to take action.
Conversion Rate - The percentage of conversion that occurs from the traffic generated by Facebook.
Other important elements include Ad congruence, Headlines, Lead-Ins, Testimonials, Reviews, User-Generated Content and so much more.
03. How are Facebook ads different from Google Ads?
Facebook is what we call a COLD traffic source, whereas Google is a 'warm or 'hot' traffic source.
So what makes Google 'warm' or 'hot'? On Google, your prospects are actively searching for a product or solution to their problem. They're essentially warmed up and you won't have as much convincing to do when it comes to making them take action.
In contrast, on Facebook, we are putting our ads in front of a pool of potential customers who may or may not have heard of your brand before. This is what makes Facebook a 'cold' traffic source.
So you might be thinking why go cold when you can go hot? That's a good question.
Despite putting your brand in front of an unsuspecting audience, Facebook has the ability to be massively scalable because once our Facebook pixel begins to gather data on your target market, we can really zone in on the people who want or need your product/service. We'll then increase the budget of your campaign, reach more eyeballs, get more clicks, gather more leads, and close more sales. It's simple mathematics.
04. Does Facebook marketing works for every type of business?
Facebook marketing works for the majority of businesses, if done correctly. As we mentioned earlier, we have worked with businesses in over 100+ niches, so we know how to get the job done (as long as your business is not going against Facebook's policies).
Note that Facebook does have some strict policies on a few industries. You can find them here:
05. Will I have to make changes to my website?
This depends on a couple of factors. For example; if you're already running traffic to your Shopify website for an eCommerce brand and the conversion rate is healthy, we may not have to make any changes. On the other hand, if we think of some recommendations (such as improving site speed or adding more content) that would potentially improve your website's performance, then surely you'd be happy to make those changes, right?
For Lead Generation campaigns, we would be build out a sales funnel which includes landing pages for Facebook traffic, so we won't have to make any changes to your website. Once again, we may make recommendations that will help to optimize the performance of your campaign.
06. Are Facebook ads really affective? - Is water really wet?
Look, anyone who says Facebook ads don't work... is someone who either has no idea how to run Facebook marketing, or they have been burned by partnering with a sub-par agency or marketer.
When done correctly, Facebook ads can be the most powerful lead generation and customer acquisition platform on the planet.
As a cold traffic source, businesses have the ability to reach billions of people who may have never heard of your company before.
The secret lies in the Facebook pixel which is undoubtedly one of, if not, the most advanced digital marketing algorithms in the world. The pixel uses Artificial Intelligence to gather data on users who purchase your products, download your ebooks and enter into your funnel, and then uses that data to find more hungry prospects like those who have already engaged with your business.
Through the effective use of direct response copy, eye-catching creatives, method-driven campaign builds and savage optimizations, Facebook dominates the digital marketing world and still is the most effective customer acquisition platform on the planet, along with Google.